Lock Down Your Credit

Restrict access to your credit by locking it down, or freezing it. It can be easily accomplished as outlined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
5 Steps for a Winter Insurance Claim

We hope winter storms avoid you and calamity finds its way around you, but should you find yourself in a claim situation, be sure to take the following steps:
The Warmth of a Winter Fire… Not so Fast!

Fire is a major cause of loss to homeowners and businesses alike. While the video clip has a humorous tone and happy ending, it does not always end up so comical.
Mind the Gap: Don’t Get Caught in the Auto Lease Gap Trap

Gap insurance is a smart move when leasing a car.
Umbrella Insurance Covers Super Bowl Accidents

Most people are not inclined to consider risk factors around the house or business that could lead to a lawsuit, but let’s face facts… Accidents happen, people get hurt, and lawsuits are the end result. So, how much lawsuit protection do you have? Does your business or family need more protection against unforeseen incidents? Here […]
Move Over and Slow Down!

New York’s new law… did you know? Are you aware of the new law regarding a stopped emergency vehicle or police vehicle? Drivers must use due care when approaching an emergency vehicle that displays red and or white emergency lights, or a hazard vehicle that displays amber lights. Drivers must reduce speed on all roads […]
7 Ways to Save on Insurance

Avoid premium pitfalls and save the big bucks! And why not!